Partner with local high schools and UWG to get students involved in their local community to participate in Homeless Awareness Month.
Host a free farmer’s market with season veggies.
Creative, impactful awareness displays around the city.
Fall/Winter clothes drive.
Partner with local police and first responders homeless programs.
Volunteer at local homeless shelter/ministry organizations.
Convince local laundromat to offer free laundry services.
Be creative with your time, mind, resources, and connections to collaborate for change for our unhoused neighbors.
Together we can help our homeless neighbors and give them what they need to transform their lives.
A Whole Month to Make a Difference
We want to change our understanding of homelessness and its effects on our neighbors and communities in West Georgia.
Seeking the City observes National Homelessness Awareness Month, a national effort to raise public awareness about issues relating to homelessness that takes place annually in November.
Are you in?
Ways You Can Get Involved
Together let's bring to light the reality and scale of homelessness, dispel the myths, and make the issue visible.
Attend "Community Film Night"
"Americans with No Address" documentary film screening